Saturday, March 19, 2011

Balancing Act

So, for some reason, Dr. Seuss is swimming through my head.  One piece of a line in particular...  "And remember that life's a great balancing act."  I love Oh the Places You'll Go!  :)  And that line rings so true for me, at least it feels that way.

I feel as though I'm working to balance everything, a juggler of sorts.  Unfortunately, I'm not a great juggler!  I have a difficult time keeping all my balls in the air...  I think most come crashing down all around me...  I guess I need to work on my skills!  Lol! 

I balance all the sames things many other people do.  Working full-time, having a family and being a full-time mom, managing the household ~ cleaning, doing laundry, making meals, paying bills, dealing with life's little stressers.  All of these things are common for many of us.  So, why am I so ineffective in keeping all these things going?  Any answer I give to that feels like an excuse, and not really any good excuses at that...  Just me whining about my situation.  Blech! 

I need to find a better balance and do a better job!  The more balls I drop, the more Forrest worries.  He's got enough to worry about as it is...  He doesn't need to worry about me having a meltdown!  Though there are times when the thought of spending a week in bed would be very tempting!  Mmmm...  Even better, spending a week on a beach!  Warming in the sun, with a fruity drink in hand.  My fantasy!  A get-away all by myself.  Time to rest, relax and rejuvinate.  It would be wonderful, but is completely unrealistic!  I'd miss the kids too much, and likely spend the time worried that the family was missing and needing me.  Or, even worse, that they weren't missing or needing me! 

So, I continue on my path.  And I'll see what I can do to improve my juggling skills!  :)  Perhaps I should join a circus and get professional tips!  Haha!

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